Friday, May 15, 2009

It's been a while since I've been able to get out and take pictures. My apologies to the four people who've actually read this blog and who, I am sure, have been anxiously checking at least every other day for new and exciting posts.

Today I had some spare time, and the weather was awfully nice, so I headed off to the little town of Benton City. It's actually a bit larger (2624 at the last census) than what I originally intended this blog to cover, but it's nearby and hey, I haven't exactly been prolific with posts. Benton City sits along the Yakima River, and the low-lying areas flood every year about this time. I had a pretty decent hamburger and fries at Wolfie's Drive-In. Stop by next time you are in town.

The bridge into Benton City, off of I-82. Wikipedia claims this bridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. I'm not sure why; it's not a particularly interesting bridge design.

Main Street

Benton City Cemetery. Nobody living within city limits can be buried here.

Whitstran is an unincorporated wide spot in the road about 25 miles away from Benton City, and accessible only by a somewhat windy two-lane road. There is no access to the interstate which probably is why I've never been there although I have lived within 50 miles of it all my life. The town consists of a few houses, an elementary school, a grocery store, an abandoned gas station (I should have taken a picture of that, sorry), and some agricultural buildings.

I bought a Coke and a candy bar here.

Grain elevator in Whitstran.


  1. Glad you found a store to get a coke & candy bar. Any local foods (like local honey?) at McCorke's? Love seeing these small town photos. Interesting fact about the cemetery.

  2. I didn't look for anything local, alas.
