Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yes, It's Been A While...

I am sure that my two whole followers have died of boredom by now, waiting for me to resume my fascinating posts of the small towns of dryland Eastern Washington. So, it's time to post again, and maybe resurrect them from the dead.

I have to apologize, though...some of the towns in the next few posts aren't exactly small, and none of them could ever be classified as dry. But it's my blog, and I will do whatever I want. Despite what my two readers might say.

These pictures, and the ones that follow in my next couple of posts (assuming I get off my lazy rear end and actually do them) were taken on a spring break trip my wife and I took down through Central Oregon and on to the Oregon Coast. First up--McMinnville.

McMinnville, population 32,400, is the county seat of Yamhill County, OR. It was named by its founder, William T. Newby, for his hometown of McMinnville, TN (coincidentally, also the county seat and largest city, albeit only 13,242).

McMinnville is known for two things...a UFO sighting in 1950, and the Evergreen Aviation Museum, home to the Spruce Goose, the world's largest wooden airplane and with the largest wingspan of any plane ever built. There is an annual UFO festival here, rivaled only by the one in Roswell. Somehow I get the impression the McMinnville festival isn't too serious, serving mostly as an excuse to drink a lot. I could be wrong.

While in McMinnville we stayed at the Hotel Oregon on Evans Street. This is highly recommended--should you ever find yourself near McMinnville, do stop in and if possible stay the night. I can truly say it was one of the most enjoyable hotel stays of my life. If you insist on a nice bathroom right in your room, and amenities such as a TV or refrigerator, stay somewhere else. But, if you like quirky decor and hundred-year old architecture and don't mind going down the hall for a potty break or a shower, this is the hotel for you.

Interior of the Hotel Oregon. The halls (and rooms) are full of murals and interesting artwork. The house shown above, alas, is NOT the grand hotel, but rather a county government building.

Poster advertising one of the UFO festivals. As you can see, it doesn't look too serious.

1 comment:

  1. I like the murals inside the hotel. Are the stairs carpeted or just wood? Can't tell from looking at the photo.

    The UFO festival poster ia a hoot! Gotta get the alcohol flowing somehow.
